Saturday, January 19, 2013

I hate this box...

I still don't know why, but I really stink at jumping.  I don't know if it's coordination, balance, fear, or all of the above, but for some reason, I just can't seem to jump!  A couple of years ago, when I had a trainer, I remember not even being about to jump up onto a step (like people use in a step class... yes... I know it's LOW!).  Once during a workout, after I'd finally mastered one step, my trainer put 2 boxes on top of each other and I was supposed to jump up onto them.  Before I knew it, I was face down with a nasty carpet burn above my eye, a bruised ego, and a deadly fear of jumping up onto anything.  

This past week's workout at my new gym included box jumps... not onto steps, but onto a real plyo-box (as in the above picture).  The alternative to jumping was to do step ups, which I did on Wednesday and Thursday.  This morning, however, a different trainer was leading the class, and during the second round she asked me to jump.  I refused.  The third and final round came around and she stood on the other side with her hands out.  She said, "hold my hands, and just jump."  I freaked out... and then I did it.  Twice.  I almost cried.  I tried to psych myself up to do it without holding her hands, but I just couldn't do it.  Not yet.  But I will!  That box is my new goal.  I will jump up onto it without holding anyone's hands SOON!

Today was two-fold for me.  It was a huge victory to jump onto the box even holding her hands.  But it also showed me that I still have lots of room for improvement.  There's still so much I have to learn, and I am excited about learning it!  I have come a long way since September 2010.  Where will I be in September 2013?  Only God knows, but I plan to be stronger... and I plan to be jumping without fear!!

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